Monday, September 23, 2013

Assignment 3: One Light Portraits

Image 1 uses a single hard light source from overhead to cast a highlight on the background and on the top of the subjects head.  Additionally,  a silver reflector was held OOF below camera casting diffused reflected light back to the subjects face. This is a one-light setup. Colors were adjusted in Photoshop. 

Image 2 uses diffused light from a single bulb. The light was placed just over the camera lens and in front of the subject. A soft plastic diffusion material was used. This diffusion allowed me to create a brighter image with no specular highlights. This is a one-light setup. Colors were adjusted in Photoshop. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Lighting Assignment 1

 Light at 2 Feet
  Light at 4 Feet

 Light at 8 Feet
 Light at 16 Feet
Black, white and grey cards at same value